Sunday, February 12, 2006

No news is good news, Relaxing Sunday

Just a quick post to say that no news is good news so far. The only mild downer is that in spite of me wearing a mask when I visit, Denise has caught the cold that's been making the rounds at our house. Aside from that, Denise had a relaxing day with no PT or OT, but went to some of the activities to make up for that. Denise was disappointed because devotion time this morning didn't happen, but enjoyed making Valentine's crafts, getting her fingernails painted, and doing the "workout in a chair" with some of the other residents. Now when I visit with her and we go around the facility, she's greeting more and more people by name. I'm glad that she's finding so many people with whom she can interact.
Since I haven't had to clean Jacob's mouth out with soap yet today, we'll go to Chuck E. Cheese tonight before going to visit mommy!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

God Bless you for sending the Valentine picture of the two of you. What a treat to see you together like that. Who cares who is doing the fancy steps. The smiles did it for me!! Another one of God's miracles.

February 14, 2006 11:09 PM  

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